Monday, February 01, 2010

The hamster fell off the wheel.

You ever have those days?

You know, the ones where the incessant whirring in your head abruptly stops and you're left with nought but an empty staccato echoing through your brain cavity?

I'm having one of those.

It's not that I'm unable to think, it's just that, well, the volume of good ideas or "aha!" moments has shrunk to undiscernable levels. Being a person who is generally unable to sleep properly because the thoughts in her head tend to buzz too loudly, it's off-putting to feel like a wrung-out sponge. Am I not supposed to be endlessly clever and charming and creative? If I am boring myself, what must I be doing to those around me? Sure, overthinking sucks sometimes, but underthinking makes me feel like I can't hold up my end of a conversation or that my inane neuroses will escape in garbled bursts of nonsense between moments of robotic inflection and mute head nodding.

So I have no biting sarcasm or torrential downpour of opinions upon any particular subject at the moment. All my subjects are moldering inside my mind along with the dimestore rodent who kicked it. I need a brain re-energize. An outlet for something creative or daring or brilliant, that will make me feel both a sense of accomplishment and pride in having put my internal think tank to some purpose other than keeping my forehead protrusive.


Anonymous said...

I've been reminded recently that I sometimes talk too much. My theory is that my hamster sometimes runs too fast and I come across as someone with ADHD or ADD-HDMI or whatever acronym is fashionable. Or maybe I do in fact have some ADD issues...killer bees!

This also sucks when you're trying to focus on repetitive and more linear tasks in a fairly straightforward job that you need to cover your bills that would be a lot easier if your brain wasn't thinking about dozens of seemingly random topics at a time.

I'm trying to balance this with some zen-like calm and simply forcing myself to try and shut off, which can be difficult with my newfound love for 710 ml cans of Monster energy drinks.

Ms. Fitz said... drinks. I get my energy the old fashioned way: coffee!