Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Hi ho, neighbours. Your lovely fitzy is not as cheery as normal. Most likely due to the outcome of last night's elections. Not that I was surprised. You know, one crappy thing about living in E-town is that it is very difficult to complain about the election results. I gotta find the other 2 non-conservatives in the entire province and THEN we could have a dialogue. Unfortunately, I live in a community where the blues are rather popular and the MP for my riding is a jolly complacent fat man who enjoys eating buckets of chicken and kittens. Not that I can verify any of that, mind you. Except the kitten part, that I've got photos for. (hehe)

On the bright side, very excited that the little Orange and Green engines that could actually managed to increase their seats this election. So proud of you, and your authoritative mustache, Jacky-boy.("The mustache is where much of my authority is derived", sorry gotta quote movies any chance i get)

Ah well. Time to make the best of things. I hope you all did your civic duties and voted last night. and if not: for SHAME!!! that's right. i said it. SHAAAAAAAME! hehe.

lemme know how things went in your ridings. i'd be interested to see how my buddies in the T-dot felt about this, my little displaced Edmontonians that they are.



1 comment:

Ladysir said...

As overheard on the streetcar this afternoon:

Squealing Teen #1: "So what's the name of the dude* who won the election or something."

Squealing Teen #2: Stephen Harper.

Squealing Teen #1: (laughter) Ew! Wasn't he like NDP?

(*while I can't guarantee this little exchange is perfectly verbatim, please note that the word "dude" was definitely used.)