Friday, June 09, 2006

Squirrel Ninja Defense

So, for those of you who know me well (or have been around me more than 5 minutes) you'll know that I have a rather great(some would say "unhealthy") fondness for squirrels. Perhaps the only thing i'm fonder of, in fact, would be monkeys. (hehe, just saying the word makes me giggle.)

So you can imagine my surprise and glee when i discovered this kokanee advertisement sitting on my table at a pub a few weeks ago! So, of course, I swiped it. (Respect for bar property has never been something I've been terribly fond of).

Add to the squirrels the fact that it involves Ninjas--the pinnacle of radness--and you've got yourself a near-perfect advert. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i could have used that a few years ago...who am i?