Friday, August 18, 2006

MMMMmmmmm.....Candy Corn.......*gargle*....

I love candy corn. If we're talking candy--and I mean all that sugary junk that excludes anything with chocolate in it, which in itself is a COMPLETELY different ballgame--I believe that candy corn just may be my all time favorite sweet. I know a lot of people think it's gross. Maybe it's the nearly gag-inducing sweetness, or the fact that once you eat one, suddenly an entire 1-lb. bag is gone and you're sitting there nearly comatose wondering when that ol' insulin-making machine in your tummy's going to conk out. Perhaps this is knowledge best left in the realm of mystery, like the secret of the caramilk bar, or something. Either way, these things are tasty.

Why am I talking about Candy Corn? Well, because I saw some at Save-On-Foods while I was grocery shopping, that's why. Now it would seem odd to some people that don't eat candy corn why I would make a big deal out of this. But for cc afficionados like me, you know that the corn's been on the downswing of late, and is becoming as elusive as those little orange-wrapped hallowe'en toffees that no one eats except me, seemingly. But, lo, there they were, thousands of bright, tiny bits of deliciousness, just sitting in a bulk bin waiting for someone to come eat them. And i felt that I was up to the task.

Ok. So it's a little sad that it's the middle of August and they're already selling Hallowe'en Candy. But really, when it tastes this damned good, who gives a shit?

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go munch myself into a sugar-stupor.



Anonymous said...

candy corn is gross. That is all I have to say.

Ms. Fitz said...

Stephanie is gross.

That is all I have to retort. I don't have to justify my torrid candy corn love affair to you.


Anonymous said...

I think candy corn is okay. I can't say I've ever wanted to eat pounds of the stuff in one sitting, but once in a while, I guess its okay.

Actually, maybe once in a loooong while, because come to think of it, I haven't had candy corn in quite a while, and frankly, I'm not missing it.

So, in conclusion, I guess I agree with Steph.