Friday, September 11, 2009

Ms. Fitz's Monkey of the Week: Barrel of Monkeys

I love this game. I still own a glow-in-the-dark set that sits on my bookshelf. I don't really play with it, but it's got a pride of place right next to my miniature Etch-a-Sketch. What? My inner child needs an outlet sometimes, people.

Could you make a full monkey chain? My hands are too unsteady to get all of them to last much longer than a few seconds before they start to fall off. It's more of a skill than a game in that sense.


1 comment:

Alex P said...

your inner child gets far too many daliances about, not related to small toys. You should keep it occupied with these things! Where have they been all my life. Hmmm. we need to take the container and coat it in glitter, so its shiny and holds your attention.