Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How to be a Good Girl

"Girls collect achievements by the handful, but often don't have the confidence to own them." Sure, we may outpace the guys around us in school, but by the time we enter college, we'll have given up our leadership roles. We'll make up just a third of business-school students and barely a quarter of law-firm partners. We invalidate ourselves through speech, body language, and weak handshakes. And we still earn less—77 cents to every dollar—and ask for raises less frequently."

Found this article today on how our current generation, while capable, competent and available, aren't willing to grab onto what they want in life. For all my staunch ideas and ability to flap my yap on any subject, I get that paralyzing fear of not succeeding. Do I start to excuse my behaviour, thereby weakening my position? I believe that I very well do. Perhaps recognizing it is the first step towards correcting the behaviour? Let's hope so.

Self-imposed Glass Ceilings

Choice Quote:

"Asked to write down how society expects a "good girl" to behave, [a group of surveyed middle-school girls'] responses ranged from "perfect" and "kind," "intelligent" with "tons of friends" to "no opinions on things" and "doesn't get mad." A bad girl, on the other hand, was described as a "proud" "rule breaker" who "speaks her mind" and likes being the "center of attention." Or, to put it simply, all of the things that make somebody a good leader. "

Yikes. Time to strap those feminist stompin' boots back on, ladies. We've got more work to do, it seems. And we'll have to start with ourselves.

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