Thursday, June 18, 2009

Miss Fitz's Monkey of the Week

It's been a long week.

Yes, I'm aware it's not Friday, so there's still another day to go, but I needed some cheering after being sick and having spent the past two days driving over 1,000 km across Alberta conducting interviews. (More to follow on that when the energy is replenished. Ice cream cake is helping.)

So without further ado: the white-handed gibbon. Not only does it have a nifty name (I may be biased) but this little guy doesn't care that he's been caught, erm, "white-handed" scratching his ass and had it broadcast across the globe. He's just living his life, swinging free on his ridiculously long arms. Swing free, little buddy. Swing free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you watched the youtube video about the Slow Loris who likes to be tickled? you should. I think you would enjoy it thoroughly.