Friday, October 20, 2006

Because It's Friday...

This has been a rough week, and I'm sure many of you can empathize.

So, to cheer everyone, I've included one of the funniest things I have ever encountered. But first, the prelude!

While in Paris, I was browsing through a bunch of sightseeing pamphlets at the hotel we were staying in. Though most were your run-of-the mill bus and walking tours, I came across THIS
and nearly pissed myself laughing.

Yes. What you see there is, in fact, a City Segway Tour. Now, not only is the thought of putzing around Paris on a dorky-looking segway humorous, but they actually include pictures (see below) of tourists looking so....painfully...tourist-y that I couldn't help but grab the pamphlet and show everyone I saw! I mean, not only is there a group of them milling about the Louvre, but they're all middle-aged, carrying 2-tonnes worth of video recording equipment, wearing pleated khakis and (worst of all) safety helmets. Seriously. All they would need to complete the picture would be some sandals and socks pulled up to the Knee.

And of course, the best way to experience the full hilarity of such a ridiculous exercise? Why, to actually GO ON a Segway tour of Paris, of course! I begged my travelling companions to sign up, extolling the virtues of such an adventure, such as:

- looking like complete assholes on segways
- completely pissing off every Parisian within eyeshot
- quite possibly getting run over in the streets by crazed Parisian motorists
- taking the piss out of any serious travellers on Segways that we saw

They shot down my idea, which I was very disappointed about. My brother brought up the fact that, in our week in Paris, we did not see ONE SINGLE PERSON on a Segway and took that as an indication of how "cool" it was. But that's the entire POINT of such an exercise: being as supremely un-cool as possible so that you might regale your friends with tales of your utter stupidity at a later date!

I discussed this event with the girls while performing our Thursday Night Ritual (ie: drinks and Grey's Anatomy) and Miss Betts and Blythe were in perfect agreement that, should we ever go to Paris together, we must indulge in this most heinously tacky activity. Why climb Everest? Because it's there. Why take a Segway tour of the City of Lights? Because you can't NOT!

I hope you got a giggle like I did,



Anonymous said...

Oh my God, we should have totally done this. Those people looked so happy looking retarded. We seriously missed out on being stupid American/Canadian tourists. Will we ever get that chance again?

Ms. Fitz said...

i KNOW! I will always rue the missed opportunity. My girls and I have vowed to each other to do this if we ever get the chance to go back, however. I will call you if we do, because, remember, "we'll always have paris."