Monday, March 26, 2007

a F.I.S.T. to the face...

So, on Saturday I decided to take Bettsy up on her offer of joining her and Jess for their semi-weekly step aerobics/FIST class. I had been making fun of Bettsy's whinging regarding how cramped she felt after her classes. I have, however, since eaten my words.


It's been two days, and I am walking like a little old man who just made a mess in his pants. Not cool. I realize that F.I.S.T., rather than a snicker-worthy reminder of some sort of BDSM activity, in actuality stands for "F***, I'M SORE TODAY!" It's like tiny little elves have attached themselves to my calves and are stabbing my muscles with little pitchforks and twisting....aaaaaauuughhh.....

Uh oh...cramp....*wincing*

OK. I concede. *whimper*



Anonymous said...

Ummm... I don't remember ever 'whinging' about anything, but it serves you right for making fun of me! HaHa!

Going to come again next week?

You know you waaaant to.

PS. I sent the elves because you pick on my grammar :)

Ms. Fitz said...

Yes. Karma's a feisty bitch.

(for the 'whinging', not the grammar. Because, Let's face it, that's what I was put on this Earth for)


Anonymous said...

Hehe... I'm going to FIST again tonight if you want to join me!


Ms. Fitz said...

Sorry, can't.

I'll be busy covering myself in honey then having someone bury me neck deep in an anthill, where I will be slowly bitten and consumed. It sounds like fun!
