Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey, I'm in the dictionary!

ses·qui·pe·da·li·an /ˌsɛskwɪpɪˈdeɪliən, -ˈdeɪlyən/

adjective Also, ses·quip·e·dal /sɛsˈkwɪpɪdl/

1. given to using long words.
2. (of a word) containing many syllables.

3. a sesquipedalian word.

[Origin: 1605–15; Latin: sésquipedālis measuring a foot and a half (see sesqui-, pedal) + -an]

How about that? 'Tis a proud moment for me. I never thought there was such a word, but, apparently, there is. And I love it. Such a meaty term, really gives your mouth something to chew on. Which, I suppose, is fitting, given its meaning, no? I will be writing in to to complain about why my profile is not up there next to this. Oh, so delightful. Such a better phrase than "pretensious-wordy-hoity-toity-know-it-all-who-can't-find-anything-better-to-do-with-an-english-degree", you know? It is my new word of the week. I will hug it and stroke it and call it George.



MzFitz's 5 Words that Rock:


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